Health Problems Questionnaire
What is the Health Problem Questionnaire & how do I fill it out?
What is a Health Problem?
A health problem is any condition that you consider to be a reduction in your normal state of full health, irrespective of its consequences on your sports participation or performance, or whether you have sought medical attention. This may include, but is not limited to injury, illness, pain or mental health conditions.
This form is to be filled out at the end of every week to ensure that your team can stay on top of any changes. As such, please answer all questions regardless of whether or not you have experienced a health problem in the past 7 days. Select the alternative that is most appropriate for you, and in the case that you are unsure, try to answer as best you can.
If you have several health problems, please begin by recording your worst problem in the past 7 days. You will have a chance to register other problems at the end of the questionnaire.
Where to access the form on the AMS App
To complete the Health Problems Questionnaire the easiest way is to use the 'Add Data' button, then select the 'Health Problems Questionnaire' from the New Data Entry Screen.
Follow the instructions below on how to fill out the form..
Please answer all questions regardless of whether or not you have experienced health problems in the past 7 days. Select the alternative that is most appropriate for you, and in the case that you are unsure, try to answer as best you can anyway.
If you have no health problems to report this form is very quick and easy to fill out. Reporting any problems is also easy but requires a few more questions to be answered.
Time and Date
Today's date and time is automatically selected for you. To edit or backdate your entry press the pencil 'edit' button.
Question 1 - Participation
Answering question 1 will determine what questions will appear next.
When clicking yes to both 'Full participation, but with a health problem' and 'Reduced participation due to a health problem' question 2 will appear next.
When clicking 'Cannot participate due to health problem' the Health Problems section will appear next.
Health Problems
Here you can review all previous entries and add additional health problem entries.
Complaint Location
Choose any specific injured body part/s or areas where you're experiencing symptoms of an illness, on the body map. Simply click the general area.
You can also toggle between front and back on the body map to find the right area.
If you accidentally click the wrong area you can click it again to deselect or alternatively press clear all down the bottom right hand corner.
Add Additional Health Problem
If you are experiencing more than one health problem, you can add an additional entry here.