AMS for AW&E Providers
What is the Athlete Management System?
The Athlete Management System (AMS) is a web-based platform designed to capture information from a variety of sources including athlete training and competition data, health related information and administrative records among other things. The AMS allows professionals that work with an athlete or a team to have real-time access to the relevant information related to their role to support performance-related decision making.
Record Keeping | Streamlining communication | Central storage
What is AMS for Athlete Wellbeing & Engagement?
A centralised place to capture data to best support the opportunity for athlete's to thrive through:
- actively recording athlete consultations and general communications,
- tracking athletes' wellbeing and engagement over time,
- capture and view athletes' fundamental wellbeing and engagement demographics as individuals, as well as within a group.
The AMS does a lot more than capture and securely store AW&E information; however, this course will focus on what an AW&E provider needs to know about using the AMS to support their work with athletes in the Australian high performance sport system.
The Basics - Getting Started
A web browser and an internet connection is all you need to access the AMS.
Chrome & Firefox are the recommended browsers.
Please note: Internet Explorer or Safari should not be used.
Logging In
Click the button to head over to the AMS Website on your computer or tabular device.
- Open the link to the AMS (see above) and bookmark this page.
- Login using the username and password provided by your sport.
- Verify your identity with the code sent to your mobile phone.
- It is recommend that you change your password upon your first login.
Terms and Conditions
If you do not receive a validation code, you may need to have your contact details updated. Contact your sport’s AMS manager or
The AMS Client Terms and Conditions will appear on first login. Please ensure you read these carefully before agreeing and entering the system
Browser Navigation
Once you have logged in, you should see your 'home' dashboard that will look similar to the following image (without any athlete data entered, the dashboard will be blank to start with).
AMS 'groups'
For some AWE Providers (NIN, multi sport), you may have a variety of 'groups' in your AMS with different athlete cohorts in each.
If you are required to change the group you are using, please follow the below guide to change your group.
Changing your Group in AMS
For some AWE Providers (NIN, Multi-sport) you may need to change the 'group' of athletes you are currently viewing. To do this, please follow the following steps.
Select the top righthand button eg: 'test athletes'
In the top right of your screen you should be able to view the current group you are in, in this example, my group is currently 'test athletes'. I want to change this to Boxing as I need to do a consult with one of my boxing athletes.
Click on 'test athlete'
Select the group you want to change to:
All groups that you have access to will come up, select the group you need to access by simply selecting/clicking on the name of the group, in this example, ill be selecting 'Boxing Categorisation'
select group you want
Set Group as current group :
Once you have selected the group you want to use, AMS will ask you if you want to Set the 'Boxing Categorisation' as the current group.
Select 'Load'
You will now be returned to your home page in that group [to double check, if you look at the top right hand side of your screen, you should now be in your new group].
You are now in AMS with your new group data.
AW&E Forms
AW&E Providers have access to three forms to best support athletes to thrive. To understand how to use AMS to its best potential it is important to understand when to use the forms, how to access them, and what information to provide.
How do I enter data into a form?
Follow these steps to access any AW&E form (for this example, we will be accessing the AW&E Athlete Bio form).
Start on your home page
Make sure you sign into AMS and you are on your AW&E home page. Do this by selecting the 'Home' tab at the top of your screen.
Step 2
At the top of your screen select the tab 'enter data for athlete'.
Step 3
Select the athlete you are entering data for. In this example, we are selecting 'Los Angeles Test'.
Step 4
Select the form you are wanting to use, in this case: 'AW&E Athlete Bio'
Step 5
Complete form, and when you finish make sure you select 'Save and Close
You have now completed your AW&E Athlete Bio form, when you return to your home page your dashboard should be updated with the appropriate information.
The Athlete Bio form is available to capture fundamental base line demographic data. This data will allow AWE providers to:
- track an athletes wellbeing and engagement over time
- view athlete demographics as individuals, as well as within a group to provide the most appropriate resources and programs to the athletes needs.
Primary Support Person
This is where the athlete can provide their primary support persons contact details, allowing the AWE provider to easily connect with this person when required.
Career Readiness
This allows the athlete to look at their career with a different lens. Selecting where they are on their career journey will allow the AWE provider to provide the athlete with specific resources to support them in that stage.
Athlete 'EEE'
Athletes can provide information around what experiences they would like to engage in over the coming 12 months.
This information will support not only the AWE providers to provide opportunities aligned to athlete need, but it will also allow the AIS AWE team to view what areas need resourcing support.
Capture athletes current employment, along with their job title.
Capture athletes current education, along with their CV and linked In progress and board involvement.
Community Engagement
Capture if the athlete is involved or interested to be involved in community engagement activities.
AW&E consult form
The AW&E consult form is available for AW&E providers to use for:
- Case management and note taking (confidential between AW&E Providers working with the specific athlete),
- ability to provide shared communications to the athletes other service providers (not confidential),
- creating clear actions
- ability to prioritise how urgent working with this athlete is.
Identify Primary AW&E Service Provider
If the athlete has an NSO AW&E manager, and a NIN AW&E advisor, the two providers need to discuss who is the primary, and who is the secondary service provider for the athlete.
This needs to be communicated to the athlete as well.
Athlete Priority
This tool is for the managers to prioritise how urgently they need to follow up with the athlete.
This will be shown in the dashboard, allowing you to sort your athlete cohort by priority.
Any actions added here will be:
- added to your dashboard timeline
- will alert you one week prior to the entered action via your email.
The text you enter into the 'description' column is what you will see in the dashboard.
Shared Notes
If appropriate, it is recommended to type a very brief summary of your consult in the shared notes section. This will be seen by the athletes coaches, support and admin staff.
- 'AW&E Check in: Uni enrolment'
- 'AW&E transition support - athlete relocating'
- 'AW&E selection support - Olympics'
You can use this section to take notes during Athlete meetings, aka: 'consults'.
For any action items that come up during the consult you can easily add these to the actions table below!
Athlete Engagement
YES: For athletes taking on the opportunity to work with AW&E Providers, access servicing, resources or programs.
NO: For athletes that do not respond or engage to AW&E support and, or programs.
More information below... but this is a place you can quickly, and easily view athlete information.
Ability to view athlete information quickly and effortlessly during a consult.
If you notice any of the information needs updating you can easily access those forms from the AW&E consult by selecting the 'update' button:
Athlete Data is shown from information provided in the Athlete bio form.
AW&E Providers can now capture what qualifications the athlete has.
If an athlete completes further qualifications you can simply 'update' this data set and add the next qualification
AW&E General Communications Form
The General Communications form is used to capture bulk communications relating to AW&E activities, initiatives and support.
Multiple Athlete Entry
Select this option to apply this data for multiple athletes.
Provide Attachments
Attach any relative documents, resources, information here that was shared with the athletes.
- How was this information delivered to the athletes?
- What type of information was it relating to?
Summary of your Communication
Type a summary of what was communicated:
Sent athletes an email and group text message about the up coming PD opportunity: Financial Wellness, along with the registration link.
AW&E Dashboards
AMS uses the data captured in the AW&E forms to display information in a dashboard to support your work. In this lesson, we will look at these dashboards to understand how to use them.
How to use and view your dashboard
AW&E Quicklinks banner
The top of your AMS home screen will be the 'AW&E Quick Links' banner. In here you will have access to:
- AW&E Help Guide - that is this course!
- Help Videos - Videos that can support you in almost everything related to AMS
- MHRN Referral - if you require the MHRN document, you can download it here
- CPRN Referral - this links to the Microsoft forms CPRN referral
- AMS Terms and Privacy - these are the terms you, and the athletes, accept when signing into AMS (information relating to confidentiality can be found here).
My Favourites
My Favourites Banner
The next item you will see in your dashboard is the 'AW&E Favourite Events' banner. This is a personalised banner that will need to be set up by each AW&E Provider to suit the forms you want to access quickly.
To learn how to set this up, please follow these instructions:
Step 1
Select 'account': At the top of your screen, you will find the tab 'account'. Select this tab
Step 2
You need to enter a new password, and confirm your new password before you can make any changes to your AMS account.
Please do this now.
Step 3
Scroll down to 'favourite events' and select 'add'. The option to add any forms you have access to should be available. Choose the forms you will use most often - eg:
- AW&E Consult
- AW&E Athlete Bio
- AW&E General Communications
Step 4
Select SAVE.
You will need to type your previous password to complete this change to your account. please do this.
Return to Home Page
When you return to your home page, you should now have your favourites banner with the forms you selected. This will make accessing those forms easier if you prefer.
In the AW+E Overview section, you will see tabs to scroll through. Each tab will take you to a different dashboard that can support how you view the athletes data.
Below is a summary of what you can see and how you may choose to use this information.
Ability to view, filter and sort your group against all the data sets listed. This can support your work flow, prioritisation, view trends and capture fundamental information in the one view.
All actions created in an AW&E consult will be displayed here. Actions that are created will alert the AW&E manager one week prior as a reminder to action the action.
A list of all previous AW&E consults the group has had.
In the Athlete Bio dashboard, you can view specific data for each individual athlete.
The Shared Communications dashboard allows you to view information the athletes Coaches, SSSM team, support and admin staff share. This can be very helpful to understand what the athletes are working through. Very helpful to identify key opportunities to support athletes when suitable and required.