AMS APP - Volleyball Australia
Welcome to the new AMS App for athletes within the AIS system.
The Home view is your default welcome screen on startup. The Home allows you quick access to add data or navigate the menu.
Favourites – a quick link to enter Wellness and Training activities. Typically this allows one wellness entry a day and multiple training entries. You can even determine what you will need to see here in the settings section. (Find more on this in the settings lesson)
Add Data - This takes you to a new data entry menu where you can select further entry forms on top of your favourited forms
Menu Items - The icons at the bottom of the screen allows you to access the other main views of the app including, my data in a calendar format, individualised dashboards from your sport or institute and app settings.
My Data
Entering data is easy and can become a routine habit..
The AMS Athlete App is designed for fast entry of wellness and training records. Links have been setup to allow entry from each view. The yellow (+) icon is the easiest and fastest way to enter a new record.
Calendar view - allows you to see an entire month on one screen. Selecting a day will show any recorded wellness and training entries in a list view under the calendar.
Yellow Dots – these indicate that there has been data entered for that day.
Missing Entries – the calendar is the easiest spot missing entries. Simply click on the day on the calendar and then select the yellow (+) icon to enter a new wellness or training entry.
Data Entry Forms
Once you hit the yellow plus button you can then select from the available list, what type of entry you would like to add.
Volleyball/Beach Volleyball have 2 forms:
- Wellness - your daily monitoring for things like sleep & soreness. You only need to do this once per day. We recommend completing it each morning as early as you can after waking up.
- Training Log - this is for your training data. We recommend completing it after each session.
Training Log
This is where you can capture your training completed each day. Volleyball has changed to a sessional entry - complete a Session entry after each training session.
Time and Date
Today's date and time is automatically selected for you. To edit the time of your entry press the pencil 'edit' button.
Date & Time - Editing
To edit the date and time to represent when you want to enter the data for simply adjust the fields.
Training Status
First enter your training status for this session.
Full: full training or competition
Modified: your training was changed from planned, eg. you felt a bit ill and did a shorter session than your coach planned.
Injured During Training: an injury occurred during the session
Missed: you did not complete a planned session
Rest Day: No planned training or competition
Travel: travelling, eg. on a flight
If you report a modified, missed or injured during training session you'll need to provide a reason. This is so your coaches know why your training has been affected.
If you select injury you'll be able to select the injury area and enter any details you are happy to share with your coaches (see below)
Session Type
Choose what type of activity was completed from the drop-down. Was it a Competition, normal training or were you lifting some weights? There is a variety of activities to choose from.
Session Comments
At the end of the form you will have to opportunity to add any comments.
This might be information about what you did, reflection on performance, any modifications you had to accommodate etc.
Duration and RPE
Duration: How long did training go for?
RPE: How hard did you find it?
Jumps & Arm Swings
Fill in the total number (an estimate is fine) of Arm Swings and Jumps you did this session.
These numbers will help coaches track internal load and plan your training.
Filling in Injuries and Travel
Choose any specific injuries on the body map. Simply click the general area.
You can also toggle between front and back on the body map to find the right area.
If you accidentally click the wrong area you can click it again to deselect or alternatively press clear all down the bottom right hand corner.
No one wants to get injured but if you do report it in your session.
Choosing Injury as a reason for missed or modified training will open up another section with a body diagram and pain scale.
These questions are to help your coaches gauge how well you've traveled and recovered.
This is where you can capture how your over health and well being, how your body is feeling and how you slept. This form is filled out daily to ensure that the coaches can stay on top of any changes to your regular patterns.
Time & Date
Change the time and date to represent when you are entering the wellness data for. Note: the app will automatically default this to today's date and recent time if day for you.
Specific Soreness
Do you have any specific sore areas (not regular or long-term/chronic injuries)?
Selecting YES will bring up a body chart for you to highlight.
How does your body feel? Any sore spots that need to be reported? Simply slide the dot along the scaled line.
Body Chart
If you do need to report any sore body parts, simply tap the area on the chart. You can also toggle the front and back side of the body chart to get access to further areas.
Any sore areas you reported in your last session will automatically appear. To remove simply tap them again to toggle off.
Enter the following details on how you slept.
Quality: How well did you sleep?
Time Asleep/Awake: The times that you went to bed and woke up.
General Health
Volleyball athletes only:
If you report poor or average health this will open up another two questions with common problems and a comments box.
Select any that are relevant to your low health rating. If you select other you can enter a comment.
Mood, Energy
Volleyball athletes have two questions: Mood and Energy
Beach Volleyball athletes have three: Mood, Stress and Fatigue
Use the sliders to enter how you feel. There is no quick and easy way to gauge such a range of emotions, as everyone, may be feeling many emotions at once, to differing degrees. If you have any concerns you should share them with your coach/psychologist.
Any additional comments you think might be useful
Dashboards bring your data to life and can provide you with some great insights to your training and wellness.
Visualising your data in a meaningful way to tell a story about your current training and performance journey is key for both you and your coach to being able to make informed decisions.
Dashboards may contain training and well-being insights such as;
Summary Stats – over the last month or week see what you have achieved for that period.
Training Loads – view your last 7 days training and previous rolling weekly training loads.
Session Breakdowns - see what types of sessions you've been completing.
Wellness - view how your body is responding to your training volume.
Select from your available dashboard list..
When you first access the Dashboards section of the app you will be presented with a list of dashboards available to you from your State Academy/Institute and Volleyball Australia.
Use the AVA Athlete Dashboard
Update your account details and tailor your experience. Settings allow you to control how the app works for you..
The Settings view allows for a number of details to be updated.
Account – this allows you to update your AMS account details like your email address or mobile phone number.
Security – alter your login preferences.
App preferences – setup your favourite data collection forms and reminder notifications.
Help and Support – You are currently in the Get Help guide for the AMS application. You can always return here by clicking this button and it will link you back directly from the app.
Terms of Service – information about data privacy
Log Out – to log off your account from UAMS. Users will be required to log in again to continue using the UAMS App
MY ACCOUNT DETAILS- these basic details relate to your AMS account.
MY PROFILES(Athlete Details)- This is where you can enter further personal details to assist your NIN or sports administrators. The information that can be collected here include, contact details, address details, state/training details, emergency contact details, passport details, medicare details, insurance details, ASADA details and travel details.
This is where you can toggle between your login experience.
Choose to keep it as your Pin code you setup when you initially logged in, your AMS password or if your device is capable, utilise fingerprint or facial recognition features.
You can update your PIN at any time.
Favourite Events - simply toggle on or off which forms you which to see and what order they appear on your home page to make it quicker to enter your data on a regular basis.
System Settings - a very handy reminder can be setup for Wellness and Training entries. If no entry exists at this time, a push notification will appear on your phone. Example below I have a wellness reminder at 930am or a training log reminder after dinner.
Access to further help documentations or to contact or send any feedback to the AMS team at