AMS APP - Diving Australia
The Home view is your default welcome screen on startup. The home view allows you quick access to add data or navigate the menu.
Favourites – a quick link to enter Wellness and Training activities. Typically this allows one wellness entry a day and multiple training entries. You can even determine what you will need to see here in the settings section. (Find more on this in the settings lesson)
Add Data - This takes you to a new data entry menu where you can select further entry forms on top of your favourited forms
Menu Items - The icons at the bottom of the screen allows you to access the other main views of the app including, my data in a calendar format, individualised dashboards from your sport or institute and app settings.
My Data
The AMS Athlete App is designed for fast entry of wellness and training records. Links have been setup to allow entry from each view. The big yellow (+) icon is the easiest and fastest way to enter a new record.
Calendar view - allows you to see an entire month on one screen. Selecting a day will show any recorded wellness and training entries in a list view under the calendar.
Yellow Dots – these indicate that there has been data entered for that day.
Missing Entries – the calendar is the easiest spot for completing past or missing entries (although we highly recommend entries on the current day). Simply click on the day on the calendar and then select the big yellow (+) icon to enter a new wellness or training entry.
Data Entry Forms
Once you hit the big yellow plus button you can then select from the available list, what type of entry you would like to add.
Calendar View
To see more days of the month press the small yellow arrow and the calendar will expand.
The calendar lets you scroll month to month with a bright yellow circle on the selected day. You are not allowed to enter records for days into the future but you can add missing entries in the past.
Drill Through – to view or edit an entry, simply select it from the list view below the calendar and you will redirect to the specific wellness or training record. Select Edit to update the entry.
This is where you can capture how your over health and well being, how your body is feeling and how you slept. This form is filled out daily to ensure that the team can stay on top of any changes to your regular patterns.
Sleep Quality
Slide the scale from Horrible to Outstanding
Sleep And Awake Time
Select both the time you went to sleep and woke up by sliding the scale to the most accurate time.
Sleep Duration
Automatically calculated
How fatigued do you feel today? Slide the scale from 'Exhausted' to 'No fatigue'
How motivated do you feel today?
Slide the scale from 'I'm over it' to 'awesome'.
How stressed do you feel today?
Slide the scale from 'Very stressed' to 'Very Relaxed'.
Body Soreness
How sore do you feel today?
Slide the scale from
0 = None
10 = Unbearable
Illness or Injury Symptoms
If you have any new illness or injury symptoms select yes - refer to next diagram below. Other choose no and submit.
New Illness
If you selected Yes to having any symptoms of illness select the appropriate rating from 1 = Sniffles to 10 = Bedridden. Then place any relevant descriptions in the text box provided.
New Injury
If you selected Yes to having a new injury a body diagram will appear. select the relevant body part.
You can also flip the diagram over to the back or front by selecting these options from the toggle.
If you accidentally click the wrong area then simply click it again to make it disappear.
You can also write in any comments about your injury in the text box provided.
Injury List
This is where the body parts you have selected appear in a list.
You can delete one by clicking the 'X' or clear them all by pressing 'clear all'.
This is where you capture your daily training activity and status. To get the best results and insights within the AMS APP this form is filled out daily
Time and Date
Today's date and time is automatically selected for you. To edit or backdate your entry press the pencil 'edit' button.
Date & Time - Editing
To edit the date and time to represent when you want to enter the data for simply adjust the fields.
Training Session Status
Was your session modified at all or were you not able to train or perhaps a rest day?
Session Type
Select the type of session you completed
Session Duration
How long in minutes was your session?
How was your session on the rate of perceived exertion scale.
0 = Rest
10 = Maximal
This is where you capture your water and dryland training session specifics. This form is filled out for every session to ensure that the team can stay on top of any changes to your training loads and repetitions.
Time and Date
Today's date and time is automatically selected for you. To edit or backdate your entry press the pencil 'edit' button.
Training Session - AM/PM
Select whether your session was completed in either the AM or PM.
Session Status
Select your current training status.
Select the type of session you completed.
Warm Up
If you selected warm up in the previous question you will be asked to now select the type of warm up you completed.
If you selected that you completed a Dryland session in the previous session question, a section to capture further details will appear.
Dryland Session Details
Select from the options of fundamentals for dryland load completed during the session. You can select multiple activities to make up your session.
Fundamentals Comments
Enter any fundamental comments into the free text box.
Add Dryland Specific Activity
Click here to add a new entry. If you completed more than one you can add more after entering the details for the first activity.
Simply put, all you need to do is;
1. Choose an activity from the Database
2. Add Take Off Type
3. Add Attempts
Activity Details
Once you have clicked add you now need to enter the details. It will initially be called 'New entry 1' until you have selected an activity from the database.
Click in the search box for the database to appear and select your activity.
You can either scroll or search in the provided text box to find your activity.
TIP: You can press the down arrow on the activity to bring up the details.
Once you've selected the activity, press the big yellow add button.
Dryland Activity
1/1 is now named with your chosen activity.
Dryland Take Off
Select the type of take off associated with your first activity.
No. Attempts Planned
This number comes from your coach if they have programmed the session for you.
Actual Attempts
Enter the number of actual attempts of the specific dryland activity.
Add your next Activity
Now repeat the process for entering your next activity.
1. Choose from the Database
2. Add Take Off Type
3. Add Attempts
Dryland Duration
Enter in minutes the duration of the dryland session.
Dryland RPE
Enter the RPE by sliding to the appropriate value.
Dryland Comments
Enter any dryland comments into the free text box.
If you selected that you completed a Water session in the previous session question, a section to capture further details will appear.
Add Dive
Click here to add a new entry. If you completed more than one you can add more after entering the details for the first activity.
Simply put all you need to do is;
1. Choose a dive from the Database
2. Add Take Off Type
3. Add Attempts
Dive Details
Once you have clicked add you now need to enter the details. It will initially be called 'New entry 1' until you have selected an activity from the database.
Click in the search box for the database to appear and select your activity.
You can either scroll or search in the provided text box to find your dive.
TIP: You can press the down arrow on the dive to bring up the details.
Once you've selected the dive, press the big yellow add button.
Dive Take Off
Select your associated take off for the dive.
Dive Comments
Enter any comments about the dive
Attempts Planned
This number is entered by your coach and will appear if they are programmed.
Enter the number of actual attempts you made.
If you had any balks, put the amount in here.
If you selected that you completed a Water session in the previous session question, a section to capture further details will appear.
Rehab Details
Select the type of rehab activity you completed.
Recovery Details
Select from the options of recovery you completed.
Note: You can select more then one.
Injury Status
Select from either yes or no as to whether you had sustained a new injury in the session.
Body Map
If you selected 'yes' to the previous question. Choose any specific injured body parts on the body map. Simply click the general area.
You can also toggle between front and back on the body map to find the right area.
If you accidentally click the wrong area you can click it again to deselect or alternatively press clear all down the bottom right hand corner.
Injury Details - Session Type
Select from the options as to what activity you were doing when you sustained the injury.
Injury Details - Time
If the injury occurred during a training session, use to the slide bar to select how many minutes you were training for before it happened.
Injury Details - Activity Type
Select from the options of activity types as to how you sustained the injury.
Please answer all questions regardless of whether or not you have experienced health problems in the past 7 days. Select the alternative that is most appropriate for you, and in the case that you are unsure, try to answer as best you can. This form is filled out at the end of every week to ensure any important information regarding your health is captured.
A health problem is any condition that you consider to be a reduction in your normal state of full health, irrespective of its consequences on your sports participation or performance, or whether you have sought medical attention. This may include, but is not limited to injury, illness, pain or mental health conditions.
If you have several health problems, please begin by recording your worst problem in the past 7 days. You will have a chance to register other problems at the end of the questionnaire.
Time and Date
Today's date and time is automatically selected for you. To edit or backdate your entry press the pencil 'edit' button.
Question 1 - Participation
Answering question 1 will determine what questions will appear next.
When clicking yes to both 'Full participation, but with a health problem' and 'Reduced participation due to a health problem' question 2 will appear next.
When clicking 'Cannot participate due to health problem' the Health Problems section will appear next.
Health Problems
Here you can review all previous entries and add additional health problem entries
Complaint Location
Choose any specific injured body part/s or areas where you're experiencing symptoms of an illness, on the body map. Simply click the general area.
You can also toggle between front and back on the body map to find the right area.
If you accidentally click the wrong area you can click it again to deselect or alternatively press clear all down the bottom right hand corner.
Add Additional Health Problem
If you are experiencing more than one health problem, you can add an additional entry here.
Dashboards bring your data to life and can provide you with some great insights to your training and wellness.
Visualising your data in a meaningful way to tell a story about your current training and performance journey is key for both you and your coach to being able to make informed decisions.
Dashboards may contain training and well-being insights such as;
Summary Stats – over a selected period of time (Most recent week and last 4 weeks) see what you have achieved and averages for that period.
Training Loads – view your last 7 days training and previous rolling weekly average training loads, and durations.
Sleep Duration – view your last 14 days of sleep duration/quality as well as your time to bed and time awake habits
Wellness - view how your body is responding to your training volume.
Sport Specific - your sport may have the ability to present you with data specific to your discipline. For example dive types and difficulties completed.
Select from your available dashboard list..
When you first access the Dashboards section of the app you will be presented with a list of dashboards available to you from your NIN or Sport.
The Settings view allows for a number of details to be updated.
Account – this allows you to update your AMS account details like your email address or mobile phone number.
Security – alter your login preferences.
App preferences – setup your favourite data collection forms and reminder notifications.
Help and Support – You are currently in the Get Help guide for the AMS application. You can always return here by clicking this button and it will link you back directly from the app.
Terms of Service – information about data privacy
Log Out – to log off your account from UAMS. Users will be required to log in again to continue using the UAMS App
MY ACCOUNT DETAILS - these basic details relate to your AMS account.
MY PROFILES (Athlete Details) - This is where you can enter further personal details to assist your NIN or sports administrators. The information that can be collected here include, contact details, address details, state/training details, emergency contact details, passport details, medicare details, insurance details, ASADA details and travel details.
This is where you can toggle between your login experience.
Choose to keep it as your Pin code you setup when you initially logged in, your AMS password or if your device is capable, utilise fingerprint or facial recognition features.
You can update your PIN at any time.
Favourite Events - simply toggle on or off which forms you which to see and what order they appear on your home page to make it quicker to enter your data on a regular basis.
System Settings - a very handy reminder can be setup for Wellness and Training entries. If no entry exists at this time, a push notification will appear on your phone. Example below I have a wellness reminder at 930am or a training log reminder after dinner.
Access to further help documentations here or to contact or send any feedback to the AMS team at