As a professional user, your access to data is determined by:
GROUPS - these provide you access to accounts. Users are considered as either:
- COACH - users added as a "coach" of a group will have access to the accounts of "athletes' in that group.
- ATHLETE - users added as an "athlete" will only be able to enter and view their own data.
- ROLES - these provide access to forms and datasets.
The combination of groups (accounts) and roles (datasets) is how access is granted and limited on the AMS.
Essentially roles are a collection of permissions that allow you to use the site in certain ways.
Of these permissions, there are 2 types:
- SYSTEM PERMISSIONS - these are generic permissions that allow you to perform certain tasks on the site such as entering data, running reports etc.
- DATA PERMISSIONS - these govern a user's access to specific forms, or datasets. There are different levels of access possible allowing your AMS administrator to specify read, write, linked or delete access to data.
Note that roles are additive allowing for a base set of permissions to be applied across the network and then more specific permissions as required. As such, generally new accounts are given a generic discipline role that provides access to standardised, network wide datasets and then a sport specific role that provides access to bespoke forms and dashboards developed for a given sport.