Articles in this section
Builder Integrations

- Updated

Builder & General guide to Integrations workflow. Covers Training and Wellness.
3rd Part Integrations currently connected to AMS
Training & Monitoring
Training, Monitoring & S&C
Training Peaks
Training & Monitoring
Training & Monitoring
Vald (ForceDecks & NordBoard)
Training Overview
Data Workflow
Integration Sources
- Fitbit
- Garmin
- Healthkit
- Polar
- S&C Checkout
- Training Peaks
- Teambuildr Q
AMS Integrations
This form collects and summerises the integration data into a standard format for use in other forms. This form also contains the list of monitored sports to control where the data gets sent to.
Calculations to standardise and map the data to acceptable options/values are done in sections by integrations type.
A final section calculates the questions we want to link to.
Stationary Data
Some integrations may not be used by sports or their data is not complete.
These integration sources will go to AMS Integrations Training Summary however they do not go further.
An example is FitBit data. FitBit only contains activity name and duration data, no RPE. Since no sports are interested in this, and without a manual RPE there is no load, this data just 'sits' in the integration summary.
Monitored Sport
These are sports that have 'switched on' integrations.
This means they have linked fields to the integration summary questions (remember you only need one set of linked questions now) and have smartflow set up between AMS Integrations Training Summary and the Sport Form
These forms will have integrations built into their won summary questions, so the data appears along with normal manual entries.
Some sports may have manual RPE overrides for integrations - i.e. the athlete can enter RPE for integrations without RPE recorded
Non-Monitored Sports
Non-monitored sports don't have a sport form that takes integrations. Instead, all data will skip sport specific forms and go straight to the AMS Training Log. This will include integrations data in the overall calcs when possible.
AMS Training Log
The monster of forms. This is where all valid training data will end up, whether via a sport form or direct to training log.
1. Garmin and Fitbit are only used for Hockey. Any other sport they sit in AMS Integrations Training Summary as stationary data.
2. Training Peaks data goes directly to AMS Training Log, except for Athletics (Horizontal Jumps)
Supported Integrations

UAMS Eclipse S&C Check Out
Monitored Sports
- Athletics (Horizontal Jumps athletes only)
- Basketball
- Diving
- Hockey
- Netball
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Volleyball
Roles - Linked Access
Linked Access
Ensure anyone who will use or need to see Integrations has LINKED ACCESS to the AMS Integrations Training Log.
Users will need linked access to make the calcs work, Integrations will need to be added to Coach, Athlete etc roles.
Athletes and Coaches don't need Read or Write access to Integrations. Data Source will be pulled into the sport form so you can track it that way.
Smartflows - Integration Sources
Integration Source -> AMS Integrations Training Summary

Fitbit is a multi-sessional integration, requiring multiple smartflows set to trigger on the number of activities to create the required sessional AMS Integrations records.
Note: There are 5 smartflows set up.
Source Form: Fitbit Daily Summary
Criteria: Fitbit_No_Activities ≥ Smartflow #
- Entry Method = Fitbit
- Fitbit This Session Number = Smartflow #

Garmin is sessional, there is 1 smartflow set up.
Source Form: Garmin Activity Summary
Criteria: None
Template: Entry Method = Garmin

Healthkit is sessional, there is 1 smartflow set up. Note this is where Eclipse data comes in. Healthkit will pass all Eclipse data and any other source with an RPE value attached.
Source Form: HealthKit Activity
Criteria: AMS? = AMS App or RPE Value > 0
Template: Entry Method = AMS App

Polar is sessional, there is 1 smartflow set up. Note there is no RPE or Load data.
Source Form: Polar Training
Criteria: None
Template: Entry Method = Polar

S&C Checkout is sessional, there is 1 smartflow set up. Usage is limited.
Source Form: S&C Checkout
Criteria: None
Template: Entry Method = S&C Checkout

TeamBuildr is a multi-sessional integration, requiring multiple smartflows set to trigger on the number of activities to create the required AMS Integrations records.
Note: There are 3 smartflows set up.
Source Form: TeamBuildr Questionnaire
Criteria: Sessions Today ≥ Smartflow # and Session # Duration ≥ 1
- Entry Method = Teambuildr Q
- Teambuildr Session Number = Smartflow

Training Peaks is sessional, there is 1 smartflow.
Source Form: Training Peaks
Criteria: Planned/Complete = Completed
Template: Entry Method = Training Peaks

UAMS is sessional, there is 1 smartflow. Support will be ended mid-2020.
Source Form: UAMS Training
Criteria: None
Template: Entry Method = HPF Athlete App

VCP is sessional, there is 1 smartflow.
Note: This form is also used for wellness data.
Source Form: VCP Questionnaire
Criteria: SmartFlow to = AMS Integrations Training Summary
Template: Entry Method = VCP Q
Smartflows - Monitored Sports
AMS Integrations Training Summary -> Monitored Sports
Smartflow Details
Trigger: AMS Integrations Training Summary
Criteria: Smartflow To = Sport Name
Target: Sport Form
Template: Entry Method/Entered Via = Integrations
Adding new Sports
Sport Form: Add Entered Via/Entry Method single selection; if it exists, add "Integrations" to options. If new ensure both "Sport" & "Integrations" are options and default to Sport. Add linked questions to the summary calcs of AMS Integrations, you will need to work these into the existing sport summary calcs or build new ones - copy an existing sport if you are unsure.
Smartflow: Set up or duplicate a smartflow from Integrations to Sport. Use the details as per above and check Enable for all Users.
AMS Integrations Training Summary
AMS Integrations Summary
All integrations end up here before going out to Sport / AMS Training Log. This form controls which direction the data goes via a Smartflow To question. Standardisation of questions and options also occurs here.
Ensure you give LINKED access to this form.
These are the calcs you will need to link in Sport / AMS Training Log. Depending on the sport form it might be easier to link to the Scores for Training Status and Injury.
- Entry Method: options as per question. Used to track Integration source
- Training Status Text or Training Status Score: 1 = Full Training, 2 = Modified Training, 3 = No Training & 4 = Rest Day
- Session Activity: mapped integration specific Types to to a standard list of activities.
- Session Training Load
- Session Duration
- Session RPE
- Injury Reported or Injury Reported Text: 1 = Yes , 0 = No
- Session Distance: either m or km
- Comments
/* Note order must match Method Score */ index(trunc(Method Score), S&C Checkout Activity, Activity Name, Training Peaks Activity, Teambuildr Activity, App Activity, VCP Session Type, Garmin Session Type, Fitbit Session, Polar Type, 0 )
Calculation for Summary Text/Option questions
/* Note order must match Method Score */ safe(index(trunc(Method Score), safe(S&C Checkout Duration), safe(AMS Session Duration), safe(Training Peaks Duration), safe(Teambuildr Session Duration), safe(App Session Duration), safe(VCP Duration), safe(Garmin Duration), safe(Fitbit Duration), safe(Polar Duration), 0 ))
Calculation for Summary Numerical questions
AMS Integrations Summary
Form details. Pay particular attention to order for new integrations.
Entry Method
This must be selected - this will usually be done by the Smartflow Template, unless you are manually importing.
Method Score
Used for all the summary calculations. New options for Entry Method must have scores associated - bear in mind the order for calcs!
Sport Monitoring
Sports that are set up to incorporate integrations data. Add to this list for new sports.
Smartflow To
AMS Training Log or a Sport from the list above. Make sure you add new ones as options.
Integration Details
For details of smartflows see the Smartflows - Integrations course. By the time the data gets here it will be sessional (1 activity per record). The majority are simply linked questions to the Integration Form, then any additional calcs to clean the data into standard format.
Explanation about linking to multi-sessional forms
Fitbit and Teambuildr, due to their multi-sessional type, have a fun little method to make this work. Since those records are 1:3 or 1:5 instead of 1:1 we have multiple smartflows set up off the one Source form. These have a template by session #. See Smartflows for more detail.
To get the data across we use a concatenated, then summarised string in the Source form (see 1, 2). We then split this string by session number in Integrations (3). This is done by a simple split calc, going off session index (i.e. Session 1 is index 0). Then additional calcs are used to get the data into standard format by further splitting the session string (4, 5). These are passed over in a set format so will need to match the summarisation order in Integration Source form.
Session String
This string is concatenated left to right by a | (vertical divider). Note the order of components, the same order is used to split integrations.
Teambuildr String
There is one summary string passed to integrations.
Each individual session is concatenated by | (the vertical divider), between each session the separator is , (comma).
Linked Field
There is one linked field in integrations for data sources using this format. This links to the concatenated session string from, e.g. Teambuildr
Index & Split
The summary string is split into the indexed session (the template will populate session #).
Each field is then split out by indexing in the order they were concatenated in.
Index starts at 0.
Number Formats
As the data comes in as a string a second question is required to convert from text -> number.
Questions to link to

Note: multi-session format. See end for detailed explanation.
Integrations Question | Fitbit Question |
This Session Number | Template input |
String | Fitbit_Activity |
Additional Calcs
Index, Session, Duration Raw, Duration, Distance Raw, Distance.

Note: There is no Status - assume Full Training. No RPE or Load
Integrations Question | Garmin Question |
Session Type | Activity Type |
Duration Raw | Duration |
Distance Raw | Total Distance |
Additional Calcs: Garmin Distance (/1000 to get km), Garmin Duration (converts to mins)

Note: all data is matched to pull in from the AMS App (Eclipse) only.
Integrations Question | Heathkit Activity Question |
AMS Status | Training Status |
Activity Name | Activity Name |
AMS Session Load | Session Load |
AMS Session Duration | Duration (min) |
AMS Session RPE | RPE Value |
AMS Injury | Training Injury |
AMS Distance | Distance (m) |
AMS Comments | Training Notes |

Integrations Question | Polar Question |
Type | Sport |
Duration Raw | Duration |
Distance | Distance |
Additional Calcs

Note: some fields only come through for premium athletes. TSS is used as load instead of the standard Session Load.
Integrations Question | Training Peaks Question |
Activity | Workout Type |
Session Load | Session Load |
Duration | Duration (mins) |
RPE | RPE (Premium Question) |
IF RPE | RPE Calc (based off IF - not used) |
Distance | Distance |
Additional Calcs
Distance KM: Training Peaks Distance/1000 to get km

Note: multi-session format. See end for detailed explanation.
Integrations Question | Teambuildr Question |
Session Number | Template input |
_Summary | Teambuildr_Summary |
Additional Calcs
Index, Activity, Session Status, Session Injury, Duration Raw, RPE Raw, Load Raw, Start Time Raw, Session Duration, Session RPE, Session Load, Session Start Time.
Legacy: no longer used
Status, Session Type, Load, Duration, RPE, TSB, Injury

AKA: HPF Athlete App
Integrations Question | UAMS Question |
Status | Training Status |
Activity | Activity |
Session Load | Session Load |
Session Duration | session_duration_mins |
Session RPE | session_rpe |
Injury | Injured in session |
Distance | Distance |
Comments | Notes |

Integrations Question | VCP Question |
Status | Training Status |
Session Type | Session Type |
Session Load | Session Load |
Duration | Session Duration |
Injury | Injured? |
AMS Training Log
Integrations in the AMS Training Log
Under this new workflow Integrations will either be from the Training Integrations Summary or Sport entry methods. For Sports the Integrations data will come in as if it was a normal training session. Non-monitored sports come in via a new Integrations Training Summary section.
Smartflows are set up as per normal Sport -> Training Log.

These are the linked questions to AMS Integrations Training Summary. For non-monitored sports.
Summary questions in the AMS Training Log
Summary questions are found in Summary Calculations (1 & 2) and Session Summary (3). The actual work is done in the first, the second section is what dashboards (etc.) are built off (mainly for legacy support).
- x from Sport Form: A max/min etc. calc summarising all the info from Sport forms.
- Session x: This question uses index to get either the Sport data (from above) or from Integrations as per Entry Method. See calculation below.
index(trunc(Method Score), safe(Duration from Sport Form), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, safe(VCP Duration), safe(Integrations Training Duration) )
Summary Calculation for Numerical Questions. Option/Text Calculations remove all safe's.
Session Summary Questions: These are simply equal to those in step 2 but are legacy support for dashboards/excel/report.
a) Training Status Today
b) Session Load
c) Duration
d) RPE
e) Distance
f) Acute Training Load
g) Chronic Training Load
h) Injury Reported This Session
Wellness Overview
Data Workflow
Integrations Sources
Teambuildr Quentionnaire
Training Peaks Metric
VCP Questionnaire
AMS Integrations
This form collects and summerises the integration data into a standard form for use in other forms. This form also contains the list of monitored sports to control where data gets sent to.
Calculations to standardise and map the data to acceptable options/values are done in sections by integrations type.
A final section calculates the questions we want to link to.
Monitored Sports
These are sports that have 'switched on' integrations.
This means they have linked fields to the integration summary questions (remember you only need one set of linked questions now) and have a smartflow set up between AMS Integrations Wellness Summary and the Sport Form.
These forms will have integrations built into the own summary questions, so the data appears along with normal manual entries.
Non-Monitored Sports
Non-monitored sports don't have a sport form that takes integrations. Instead, all data will skip sport specific forms and go straight to the AMS Wellness Report. This will include the integrations data in the overall calcs when possible.
AMS Wellness Report
The monster of forms. This is where all valid monitoring data will end up, whether via a Sport form or direct to Wellness Report.
Note: Healthkit (due to the amount of mismatched data that comes through) will not be passed on for non-monitored sports. Must be monitored to include (this usually means they're using Eclipse or similar and thus data is much better quality).
Supported Integrations

Monitored Sports
- Cycling
- Diving
- Hockey
- Netball
- Swimming
Roles - Linked Access
Linked Access
Ensure anyone who will use or need to see Integrations has LINKED ACCESS to the AMS Integrations Wellness Summary.
Users will need linked access to make the calcs work, add to Coach, athlete roles.
Athletes and Coaches don't need Read or Write access to Integrations. Data Source will be pulled into the sport form so you can track it that way.
Smartflows - Integration Sources
Integration Source -> AMS Integrations Training Summary

Healthkit has 1 smartflow. Criteria are there to try eliminate blank values being passed on as any Health app can write to Healthkit and thus be dragged into AMS.
Source Form: HealthKit Daily Summary
Criteria: Total Sleep Duration in hours > 0 or Fatigue Subjective Rating ≥ 0
Template: Entry Method = Healthkit

TeamBuildr has 1 smartflow, all wellness data is passed on.
Source Form: TeamBuildr Questionnaire
Criteria: SmartFlow to = AMS Wellness
Template: Entry Method = Teambuildr Q

Training Peaks has 1 smartflow.
Source Form: Training Peaks Metric
Criteria: Sleep Quality Score ≥ 0 or Fatigue Score ≥ 0
Template: Entry Method = Training Peaks

UAMS has 1 smartflow. Support will be ended mid-2020.
Source Form: UAMS Wellness
Criteria: None
Template: Entry Method = UAMS

VCP has 1 smartflow. Note: This form is also used for training data.
Source Form: VCP Questionnaire
Criteria: SmartFlow to = AMS Integrations Wellness Summary
Template: Entry Method = VCP Q
Smartflows - Monitored Sports
AMS Integrations Wellness Summary -> Monitored Sports
Smartflow Details
Trigger: AMS Integrations Wellness Summary
Criteria: Smartflow To = Sport Name
Target: Sport Form
Template: Entry Method/Entered Via = Integrations
Adding new Sports
AMS Integrations Wellness Summary: Add Sport to Sport Monitoring calculation. Add Sport to options in Smartflow To.
Sport Form: Add Entered Via/Entry Method single selection; if it exists, add "Integrations" to options. If new ensure both "Sport" & "Integrations" are options and default to Sport. Add linked questions to the summary calcs of AMS Integrations, you will need to work these into the existing sport summary calcs or build new ones - copy an existing sport if you are unsure.
AMS Integrations Wellness Summary
AMS Integrations Summary
All integrations end up here before going out to Sport / AMS Wellness Report. This form controls which direction the data goes via a Smartflow To question. Standardisation of questions and options also occurs here.
Ensure you give LINKED access to this form.
hese are the calcs you will need to link in Sport / AMS Wellness Report. Not all are in use for all Integrations so ensure that the source you want will actually have that data.
- Entry Method: options as per question. Used to track Integration source
- Sleep Quality from Integration
- Sleep Duration from Integration
- General Soreness from Integration
- General Health
- Energy
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Illness: 1 = Illness, 0 = none
- Menstruation: 1 = Illness, 0 = none
/*Note order must match Method Score */ safe(index(trunc(Method Score), safe(Healthkit Stress), safe(TeamBuildr Stress), safe(Training Peaks Stress), 0, safe(VCP Stress) ))
Calculation for Summary Numerical questions. Note x from Integration questions are Maximum type questions for legacy support.
Form Details
Form details. Pay particular attention to order for new integrations.
Entry Method
This must be selected - this will usually be done by the Smartflow Template, unless you are manually importing.
Method Score
Used for all the summary calculations. New options for Entry Method must have scores associated - bear in mind the order for calcs!
Sport Monitoring
Sports that are set up to incorporate integrations data. Add to this list for new sports.
Smartflow To
AMS Training Log or a Sport from the list above. Make sure you add new ones as options.
Integration Details
For details of smartflows see the Smartflows - Integrations course. Simply linked questions to the Integration Form, then any additional calcs to clean the data into standard format.

Note: Scales are all over the place - depends on app (Eclipse is 1-7)
Integrations Question | Heathkit Question |
Sleep Quality | Sleep Quality Rating from AMS |
Sleep Duration | Total Sleep Duration in hours |
General Body Soreness | Soreness Subjective Rating |
Fatigue | Fatigue Subjective Rating |
Stress | Feeling Subjective Rating |
Additional Calcs
Sleep Duration (Hrs)

Integrations Question | Training Peaks Question |
Sleep Hours | Sleep Duration (hrs) |
Sleep Quality | Sleep Quality Score |
Soreness | Soreness Score |
General Health | Feeling Score |
Fatigue | Fatigue Score |
Stress | Stress Score |
Motivation | Motivation Score |
Sickness | Sickness Score |
Body Mass | Weight in Kilograms |
Menstruation | Menstruation Score |

Integrations Question | Teambuildr Question |
Sleep Hours | Sleep Hours |
Sleep Quality | Sleep Quality |
General Soreness | General Soreness |
General Health | General Health |
Fatigue | Fatigue |
Stress | Stress |
Motivation | Motivation |
Energy | Energy |
Body Mass | Body Mass |

Integrations Question | UAMS Question |
Sleep Quality | Sleep quality score |
Sleep Duration | Hours slept score |
Body Soreness | Soreness Score |
Illness Symptoms | Illness symptoms |
Injury Symptoms | Injury symptoms |

Integrations Question | VCP Question |
Sleep Hours | Sleep Hours |
Sleep Quality | Sleep Quality |
General Soreness | General Soreness |
General Health | General Health |
Fatigue | Fatigue |
Stress | Stress |
Motivation | Motivation |
Energy | Energy |
Tiredness | Tiredness |
Mood | Mood |
Illness Symptoms? | Symptoms of Illness? |
Menstruating? | Menstruating? |
Body Mass | Body Mass |
General Comments | General Comments |
AMS Wellness Report
Integrations in the AMS Wellness Report
Under this new workflow Integrations will either be from the Wellness Integrations Summary or Sport entry methods. For Sports the Integrations data will come in as if it was a normal monitoring entry. Smartflows are set up as per normal Sport -> Wellness Report.
Non-monitored sports come in via a new Integrations section. Ignore all Integration Source sections - these are left for legacy support. Relevant Questions are below - for field to link to course: AMS Integrations Wellness Summary.
- Integrations Source
- Integrations Sleep Quality
- Integrations Sleep Duration
- Integrations General Health
- Integrations General Body Soreness
- Integrations Energy
- Integrations Fatigue
- Integrations Stress
Summary questions in the AMS Wellness Report
Summary questions are found in Summary Calculations (1 & 2) and Session Summary (3). The actual work is done in the first, the second section is what dashboards (etc) are built off (mainly for legacy support).
- x from Sport Form: A Maximum calc summarising all the info from Sport forms.
- x from Integrations: A Maximum calc just equal to the integrations questions. Left as maximums for legacy support.
- Summary Questions: These use the calc below, i.e. if it comes from Sport use (1), else use Integrations (2). A mix of old and new workflows. The questions to use are:
- Sleep Quality
- Sleep Duration
- General Health
- General Body Soreness
- Specific Part Body Soreness (Sport only)
- Energy
- Fatigue
- Stress
if(Method Score > 1, Sleep Quality from Integration, Sleep Quality from Sport)