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Dashboard Builder Guide

- Updated
This guide shows what tools are available in the Dashboard Builder and how to build the key widgets in AIS Generic & Sport Dashboards.
Dashboards are a visual display of the most important information from AMS event forms. This guide shows what tools are available in the Dashboard Builder and how they can be used to display your data.
Dashboard Builder Help Links
A Dashboard Builder Overview is available on the Fusion Sport website.
Click on the links below for more information
- Creating a new dashboard
- Editing your dashboard
- Understanding your aggregation options
- Managing your data sources
- Setting up your rulesets
- Editing your dashboard settings
- Saving and viewing your dashboard
- Adding a widget
- Creating widget filters
- Date picker widget
- Select box widget
- Tile widget
- Table widget
- Time series chart widget
- Categorical chart widget
- XY scatter chart widget
You can use the tile widget to visualise a single value. Tiles can only display data from a single question.
You can use the table widget to create a report within your dashboard. Tables can display data from one form as multiple columns.
Time Series Charts
You can use time series charts to plot chronologically ordered data. Charts can display data from one or more series. Data can come from one or multiple forms.
Categorical Charts
The categorical chart widget is used to display data by categories. They can display data from one or more series. Data can come from one or multiple forms.
XY Scatter Charts
You can use the XY scatter chart to plot between two and four variables (X, Y, size, colour) from one form.
Select Box & Date Picker
These widgets are used to filter other widgets.
The Select Box allows the reader to make a selection from a drop-down list which can be text, numbers or dates.
The Date Picker allows the reader to filter their data to a single date or date range if using two Date Pickers (start and end date).
AMS Generic Dashboard
The AMS Generic Dashboard contains all templates for individual graphs, this way any dashboard can be easily built by duplicating off the Generic and individualising for the Sport.
The following courses will include details on how to build individual widgets.
Guiding Principles
- One dashboard per sport.
- Minimum inclusions are recent training and wellness sections
- Colour schemes are consistent with site/app or NSO colours
- Dashboards are athlete-facing; avoid jargon and ensure clear design
Typical Inclusions
A typical NSO dashboard will follow the following structure:
- Athlete Dropdown
- Start Date (if applicable)
- End Date (if applicable)
Recent Training
- Metric Dropdown
- Last 7 days of training (By Load/Duration/Distance) Timeseries
- Last month of training Categorical
- Current vs previous week of training Categorical
- Acute & Chronic loads Timeseries
- Session Types Pie chart
Training History
- Aggregation Table
- Wellness Duration with alerts Timeseries
- Sleep Q vs Sleep Hrs Scatter Chart
- Wellness Measures Timeseries (eg Fatigue, Soreness)
- SRSS Radar (if applicable)
AMS Help Banner
Wheelchair Basketball Example
Dynamic Dates - Filters vs Datasource
Option 1: Data Sources (preferred)
In this option date filters are applied to data sources, eg. one source for 7 days, one for 14 days, one for 1 month.
Pros include minimising filters and date filters are not necessary on individual series. Data sources are smaller and can parse faster.
Cons are set dates with minimal flexibility to add interim dates, more data sources to load & multiple datasources can cause confusion.
Typical Data Source
- AMS Training Log - Last 7 days
- AMS Training Log - 14 days
- AMS Training Log - 28 days
- AMS Training Log - Most Recent (Today)
- Today
- Current Week
- Previous Week

Option 2: Filters
In this option there is a large data source with hidden date filters used to achieve intervals. Hidden simply means section title set to same colour as background and collapsed by default.
Pros include minimising datasources and a lot of flexibility with custom dates. Cons are you have to add date filters to every series/source, this can get very long and potentially difficult to maintain. Large data sources take longer to parse -for AMS Training Log this can be a significant delay.
Typical Data Source
- AMS Training Log - Last 3-6months
- AMS Training Log - Most Recent (Today)
- 28 days ago
- 14 days ago
- 7 days ago
- Today
- Current Week
- Previous Week
- Plus any additional dates for intervals

Multi-metric Graphs
To enable the dropdown to match to a metric (Load, Duration, Distance, RPE etc) these need to be in the form as text calculations. AMS Training Log has these built in. Most sport forms do not.
Keep metrics & options manageable, you will need to create # options * # metrics worth of series. Anything over 20 will seriously lag the DBB.
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. You will need to add start/end date filters if using the hidden filters method.
Dropdown metric to build
You only need 1 of these for the Dashboard. All multi-metric graphs use the same dropdown.
Dropdown opptions.
Custom options NEED to match the text in the AMS Training Log:
- Session Load
- Duration
- Distance
Must default to a value and ensure no empty/multi selection.
Example Graph - Weekly Summaries.
Note the 2 series - one for each metric.
If using many series it's best to switch off legends for duplicates. Eg. Competition & Competition - Duration.
All other settings are as per graph & don't affect multi-metric stuff.
You'll need an athlete filter as per normal
New filter: Metric Text Calc = Dropdown
- Session Load
- Distance
- Duration
Colour Schemes
General Theme / AIS
Background should be #000033 for any dashboard used on the app. This will match the AMS App colours. Bold colours are primary.
Colour Palettes:
Navy - #000033 (background)
Yellow - #ffc709
Green - #2e9e46
Blue - #64cbe8
Standard Rainbow
RED - #D53E4F
MID GREEN - #99D594
BLUE - #3288BD
RPE 1- #C2FFA7
RPE 2 & 3 - #B6FF9D
RPE 4 - #C3FC51
RPE 5 - #EBFC51
RPE 6 - #FDF900
RPE 7 - #FFDD02
RPE 8 - #FFAB02
RPE 9 - #FF7002
RPE 10 - #FF0302
Bright Blue - #02C8F0
Dark Blue - #004C6D
Light Blue - #BFE5FD
Royal Blue - #0377E2
Mid Blue - #12A4FF
Green - #00CDD2
Light Blue - #6BCCFF
Grey - #D4D4D4
Purple - #BF8CF1
Dark Grey - #868686
AQUA - #018A8D
GREEN - #00803F
L GREEN - #738D00
ORANGE - #E98300
PINK - #EB5954
MAUVE - #C44E82
PURPLE - #835591
BLUE - #47547E
NAVY - #2F4858
BLUE - #3E8ED7
PURPLE - #9C509A
PINK - #A82F64
BROWN - #852500
Basketball / Wheelchair Basketball
Orange - #E55802
Pink - #DE3556
Mauve - #B33E82
Purple - #744E8F
Blue - #3E517C
Dark Blue - #2F4858
Dark - #8E3600
Light - #FFC6A3
Last 7 Days of Training - Timeseries
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering and a multi-metric Dropdown.
7 Days is defined as 6 days ago plus today (max 7 data points).
Activities from the AMS Training Log are mapped from Sport-specific to generic categories. These include the common ones like Conditioning, Gym/Weights, Skills, Competition and all sports. For a full list look at the AMS Training Log or ask the AIS Team.
Keep metrics & options manageable, you will need to create # options x # metrics worth of series. Anything over 20 will seriously lag the DBB.
Note the 2 series, one for each metric, for each session type. Keep session types limited!
If using many series it's best to switch off legends for duplicates. Eg. Competition & Competition - Duration. Only ones with red dots are visible (access through Advanced Tab in each series)
Series Settings
Set Field as the summary for that metric (Session Duration, Session Load, Session Distance, Session RPE)
Stacking group must be the same for all bars
Ensure there are filters on
This is a Load example.
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
- Session Type Filter: Session Summarised = x (from AMS Training Log list)
- Metric Filter: y Text Calc = Dropdown (y being the matching metric)
- Session Load
- Distance
- Duration
Current vs Previous Week of Training - Categorical
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering and is multi-metric. Same graph type can be used for current v previous month - you'll just need the hidden boxed for month numbers.
Categorical Chart
This graph uses the cumulative calcs in the AMS Training Log. You need 2 additional hidden select boxes: Previous week & Current week
Additional Select Boxes
Hidden Select Boxes
Hide these in a blank, collapse section at the bottom. These are needed to pick up current & past week numbers.
Datasource: AMS Training Log Most Recent (Today or last 1 day)
Field: Previous Week & Current Week
Filter: About = Athlete
In order to get the ordering we need Week Day to be numerical.
Category: Week Day
a) none (if data source is last 14 days)
b) Date Filters - 1. after or same as 14 days ago to 2. Today
If using many series it's best to switch off legends for duplicates of week. I.e. only one per colour shows.
Field: Cumulative Load/Duration/Distance
Aggregation: Maximum
Type: Area
This is a Load example.
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
- Metric Filter: y Text Calc = Dropdown (y being the matching metric)
- Week Filter: Wk. Num = Current Week/Previous Week (these are hidden select boxes)
Weekly Summary - Categorical
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering and is multi-metric. Chart is categorical.
Category: Wk. Num
Filters: About = Select Athlete
Field: Cumulative Load/Duration/Distance
Aggregation: Maximum
Type: Bar
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
- Metric Filter: y Text Calc = Dropdown (y being the matching metric)
Acute v Chronic Load - Timeseries
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. Timeseries Chart.
To have injuries display duplicate ATL and add an additional filter for Injured = Yes.
Field: Acute Training Load / Chronic Training Load
Aggregation: Get from most recent record
Type: Area-Spline (Scatter for Injury)
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
Injury only
2. Injury Reported this session = Yes
Session Type - Pie Chart
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. Pie/Donut Chart.
Important Stuff
- Legends need to be below for any dashboard that will be viewed on the app.
- Categories must be identical to the options for that question.
- Colours! Default colour scheme is not great - take the extra minute to match with the rest of your graphs.
Data Filters
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
Most cases this will come from the Sport Form. Note AMS Training Log has a standard list of activities - but usually you'll want the sport specifics.
Set up corresponding variables/labels. They must be identical to the options for that question.
Put some nice colours on it.
Sleep - Timeseries
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. Timeseries Chart
Be aware that AMS Wellness Report does not have a standard scale. Therefore you must check each sport's scale if using the generic Report as a Data Source.
We recommend using the Sport Wellness where possible.
To have alerts display duplicate sleep duration and add an additional filter for Poor Quality/High Soreness etc.
Field: Sleep Duration (from sport)
Aggregation: Get from most recent record
Type: Bar
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
Additional Alerts (examples)
- Injury Reported this session = Yes
- Sleep Quality < 2
Avg Sleep Hours
Sleep Hrs v Q - XY Scatter
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. XY Scatter Chart
Be aware that AMS Wellness Report does not have a standard scale. Therefore you must check each sport's scale if using the generic Report as a Data Source.
We recommend using the Sport Wellness where possible.
X: Sleep Quality
Y: Sleep Hours
Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
SRSS - Radar
This example is using the Data Source method of filtering. Averages are calculated over the length of the data source. It is suggested you show a table below with results.
Legends need to be below for any dashboard that will be viewed on the app.
Radar Chart
Most cases this will come from the SRSS form. (WC BBall just have it built into their monitoring)
Set up corresponding variables/labels.
- Most Recent: From most recent record
- Average: Mean
- Upper Limit: Mean + 1 SD
- Lower Limit: Mean - 1 SD
- Athlete Filter: About = Athlete
Additional Settings
AIS Generic
This dashboard contains all the widgets that are commonly used - it's best to use this as a template, you don't need to include everything shown here!
Netball Athlete
Sailing Individual Testing
Table Tennis
Volleyball Athlete
Wheelchair Basketball