SESSION: Difference between Duplicating, Replicating and Favourites
Note the differences
Duplication will keep all of the same crews, equipment and people as well as session detail
Recent and Favourite will keep session detail but not crews or equipment
Session Duplication
Duplicating a Session
Note - duplicating a session keeps all of the same crews, assigned minimax and session detail
Once you have saved or updated a session go into view
Duplicating a session
At the top right of the screen click on duplicate session
When do you want to duplicate this session
Whatever day you would like to repeat the same session click on the calendar date and also if the start time is different change the start time. The whole of the session will be duplicated and populate the training calendar
Session Recent
Recent Session
Note - using recent session will bring across session details but NOT crews or assigned equipment
If you have recently created a session it will remain in recent (click new session and then recent)
Once you have picked the session
Change the time and date to what you want
Click on attendance
Session Favourites
Recent Session
Note - using favourite session will bring across session details but NOT crews or assigned equipment
This differs to duplicating a session as it does not save the coaches and athletes who are invited to the session
You will be required to add in the attendance and permissions section and can do any further edits
If this is a session that is going to be done regularly you can add it to your favourites by click the favourite button on the top right
The reason attendance and permissions are not kept as the people in the session may vary and other squads can use the favourite session.
Favourite, Recent, Template
If you don't duplicate or add a session into a Favourite you can also go into RECENT
Like favourites, this does not save the crews, but session structure and efforts are saved. In addition, the date automatically changes to today's date. you will just need to add in crews
The reason you might not save it in favourites is it may be a training set you want to try for a 2–3 week period only