Viewing Race/Effort Reports
Click on the session you are wanting to view the report
On the left hand pain click on View Results
Crew Reports Tab
#1 - Produces a OVERALL SUMMARY report. E.g in a table format it will provide a summary of every effort for every person as well as a session average
#2 Produces an individual crew report for all of their efforts. E.g. if it was 6 x 300m then you will have for the same crew all six efforts overlaid as well as a breakdown of splits
Effort Reports Tab
Multiple Crew Effort Report - Click on notepad next to effort number and all crews will be overlaid for that particular effort
Individual Crew Race Report - Click on notepad next to the athlete in that effort and an individual report for that effort (i.e. race report) will be created for that athlete and the particular chosen effort
Customising the Report
Create Your Own Report
For multiple crews one effort you can
-choose which boats you want displayed in the report.
-Click the cross button next to boat/athlete names to remove a particular athlete from the report on the left-hand side of the page (to reinsert them add their name from the bottom of the same box)
-choose the variables you would like to see in the report (time, pace, stroke rate, DPS, eWPS)
-choose how you want it ranked by for example, quickest first, highest stroke rate first
-Choose the split distance you would like to view
Viewing Graphs
To zone in on a particular part of the graph, use your mouse and hold the cursor in the graph and then draw a grey box around the area you want to zone in on
The graph will refresh and the area you highlighted area now expands to the whole graph
If you PDF the report the rezoned graph will remain
Viewing Graphs Full Screen
To make the graph pop-up be the size of the whole screen click the box on the right-hand side of the graph and click on VIEW FULL SCREEN
Export To PDF
If you would like a PDF of the report, click Export to PDF. That will export the variables/crews you have chosen in this particular instance.