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Below you will find steps on how to run, save, add and change a report in the Athlete Management System
Reporting is a valuable outcome once data has been entered. Performance standards may be applied to help interpret reported data. Performance summary dashboards, the personal bests tool and performance profiles can also be useful ways of summarising data from multiple event forms.
AMS's reports tool acts as its most customisable reporting method and forms the basis of several other tools. Reports created with the reports module can be saved for future use, displaying on the front page or for sharing with other users. Saved reports can also be used in the creation of live Excel and Power BI reports, which combine the functionality of Microsoft Excel and Power BI, respectively, with the reports tool.
Performance Summary Dashboards
Click here to learn more about Performance Summary Dashboards and Performance Standards
Reports Tool
The reporting tool was the first reporting feature designed for AMS and contains AMS’s most basic and general-use reporting features. When you use the reports tool, you choose the event or profile form containing the data you’re interested in, then select whose data you want to see and choose any filtering options you need. The reports tool will then tabulate and display this data for you.
1. Login to AMS
Head to your nearest computer or laptop. Click here to access the AIS Athlete Management System.
Using a web browser. Ideally on a computer, or a tablet. You can use your phone but it is a little harder to see what is going on.
2. Open the reports tool from your home page.
3. Using the sidebar menu, make the following sequence of decisions:
a. Choose whether you want to create your report from an event or profile form.
b. Select which event or profile form you want to use.
c. Use the link showing how many people are selected for inclusion in your report to adjust whose data should appear in the results.
d. For event forms, choose the date interval which includes the data you want to appear in the results using the dropdown field which defaults to All History.
e. For event forms, choose the maximum number of results that should appear for each person using the dropdown field that defaults to Include All.
f. Use the Add Filter button to set criteria for which data should appear in the results.
4. Use the Run Report button to return your results.
If you want your report to contain data from a specific time period or meet a certain criteria, you can use the filtering options to narrow the results.
It is helpful to remember that the choices you make to create a report are applied in the order they’re shown in the sidebar. So, for example, if you choose a date interval of the last 16 weeks and a filter, the results will first be restricted to records from that time period and then filtered to meet the criteria you’ve set.
Similarly, if you set a date interval with a specific start and end date, then set a maximum record number of 4, you’ll get the 4 most recent records for each athlete from within that time period.
Note that because profile forms are not recorded chronologically like event forms, there is no option to choose a date interval or number of results when you run a report about a profile form.
When you are looking at the report data, you may have access to the Save, Export and Other menus or the Send Message option. The Save menu will have options for saving and sharing your report. The Export menu contains options for exporting your report data as a PDF or CSV file. If visible, the Other menu contains options for Investigate, Pivot Table and other infrequently required tools.
Saving a Report
The option to save a report is very useful function because it means that you can set up reports with complex settings and run them again in exactly the same way. Saving a report stores the settings used to create a report, not necessarily the exact results you saw when you first ran the report. If subsequent data are recorded, that information will be included if a saved report is run again (unless the saved date filters exclude it).
To access a saved report, open the reports tool and select the Clear button. This will bring up all of your saved reports. A saved report can also be set to appear on your home page for easy access or, with appropriate permissions, can be sent to the home pages of other users.
1. Login to AMS
Head to your nearest computer or laptop. Click here to access the AIS Athlete Management System.
Using a web browser. Ideally on a computer, or a tablet. You can use your phone but it is a little harder to see what is going on.
2. Open the reports tool from your home page.
3. Create a report using the form, date interval, filters and fields you need.
a. Choose whether you want to create your report from an event or profile form.
b. Select which event or profile form you want to use.
c. Use the link showing how many people are selected for inclusion in your report to adjust whose data should appear in the results.
d. For event forms, choose the date interval which includes the data you want to appear in the results using the dropdown field which defaults to All History.
e. For event forms, choose the maximum number of results that should appear for each person using the dropdown field that defaults to Include All.
f. Use the Add Filter button to set criteria for which data should appear in the results.
4. Use the Run Report button to return your results.
5. Select the Save option from the Save menu.
6. Enter a report title and click SAVE.
You can access your saved report from the reports module if you want to run it again or make changes. If you already have a report open in the reports module, select the Clear button to remove the report and show you all of your previously created reports. Reports are grouped into front page reports and regular reports. To remove a saved report, select the trash icon next to the report on your list of reports.
1. Follow the first 4 steps of 'How to: Create A Saved Report' above.
2. Select the Send To Front Page option from the Save menu.
3. Enter a report title and click OK.
4. Refresh your browser to see your new front page report.
You can access your front page report from the reports tool if you want to run it again and make changes. If you already have a report open in the reports module, select the Clear button to remove the report and show you all of your previously created reports. Saved reports are grouped into front page reports and regular reports. To remove a front page report, select the trash icon next to the report on your list of reports.
If your front page report doesn’t appear on your home page after you’ve refreshed your browser, it may be the case that your page layout doesn’t accommodate front page reports. You will need to speak to the AMS contact person at your organisation to discuss modifications to your page layout.
Adding Extra Information to a Report
If you want to append additional information to a report with details not included in the form you’re using, there are three types of options available in the Advanced section of the sidebar.
- You can add account-related details for the people shown in your report, such as their date of birth, age or group membership.
- It’s also possible to append information about the records shown in your report, such as creation date or the date of last update.
- You can add data from a profile form to a report about an event form. This includes the ability to filter the event form results using data from the profile form.
In this example, we’ve run a report on a profile form and used the advanced option to append the date each person’s profile data was last updated.
In this example, we’ve run a report on event form data (not shown) and added the information from the profile form called Athlete Details. We’ve also used a filter based on the profile data to restrict which event form data is included in the results. In this scenario, the results that are shown for this report would only include athletes whose state is recorded in the profile form as Australian Capital Territory.
Changing the Appearance of a Report
When you want to change which performance standard is applied to your report or compare data in your report to a particular person, you can use the Compare To section of the sidebar. This allows you to:
Choose different colouration using the Performance Standard option. This is useful if there are multiple performance standards for the form, but in many cases you’ll only see one option here.
- Automatically create and apply a performance standard based on a specific person’s data using the
- Athlete option. This allows you to choose one athlete from the report results and compare others’ results to theirs. For this to be useful, the form must be built with certain properties enabled.
- Remove a performance standard or athlete comparison from your report using the None option.