Updating Profile Forms
AMS Website - Updating Athlete Details Form
Follow the instructions below to learn how to update your Athlete details form in the AMS.
Athlete Profile
It's helpful to keep AMS up to date with your current profile information. However, before getting into the specifics of updating profiles, it can be useful to keep in mind that there are three different and important types of information that you can enter into the AMS.
First, there is account information. This is the sort of information that is needed to set up each AMS user with an account. It includes details such as your name, email address, phone number, date of birth and password. Secondly, there is ongoing data about yourself, such as your daily monitoring results, or your sessional training log. The third and final type of information is profile information. Profile information is the essential information about you that doesn't change very often. This includes whether you are an athlete, nutritionist, or a physiotherapist.
To access your athlete Profile on the AMS website, select the expansion icon on the right hand side of the screen.
This displays your athlete Profile. However, to edit your athlete details, select the pencil icon in the top right hand corner of the athlete profile.
Athlete Details Form
You will now be able to see your Athlete profile. This can include information such as: Personal Details, AMS Terms & Conditions, Contact and Address information, State/Training details, Emergency Contact and Parent/Guardian Contact details, Passport, Medicare, Insurance, ASADA, Travel, Social Media and Misc details.
To edit any of these details, you can click on the drop down menu and select 'Athlete Details'.
From the Athlete Details page you can edit and update information as required, just don't forget to scroll down and save your changes at the bottom.
AMS App - Updating Profile Forms
Follow the instructions below to learn how to update your Athlete Details in the AMS App.
Athlete Profile
It's helpful to keep AMS up to date with your current profile information. However, before getting into the specifics of updating profiles, it can be useful to keep in mind that there are three different and important types of information that you can enter into the AMS.
First, there is account information. This is the sort of information that is needed to set up each AMS user with an account. It includes details such as your name, email address, phone number, date of birth and password. Secondly, there is ongoing data about yourself, such as your daily monitoring results, or your sessional training log. The third and final type of information is profile information. Profile information is the essential information about you that doesn't change very often. This includes whether you are an athlete, nutritionist, or a physiotherapist.
To access your athlete profile on the AMS website, select 'Settings from the main screen. Then select 'Account'.
This displays your athlete profile. However, to edit your athlete details, select 'My profiles' from the Personal section. Then select 'Athlete Details'.
From here you can edit and update your athlete details as required.
This can include information such as: Personal Details, AMS Terms & Conditions, Contact and Address information, State/Training details, Emergency Contact and Parent/Guardian Contact details, Passport, Medicare, Insurance, ASADA, Travel, Social Media and Misc details.
Just don't forget to scroll down and save your changes at the bottom.